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Students, Staff Prepare and Serve Evening Meal at The Banquet

Project Part of Service to Community (STC) Days

  • STC employees that assisted in prepping a meal stand in front of the serving window at The Banquet.
  • Photo of meals served slip.
  • an STC volunteer near a sink at The Banquet
  • Two STC employees stand near folding table at The Banquet preparing to serve coffee.
  • STC volunteers stand at serving line to help serve evening meal at The Banquet.
  • STC volunteers stand with President Griggs at serving line to help serve evening meal at The Banquet.
  • STC volunteers that volunteered to serve evening meal stand in front of serving window at The Banquet.
  • President Robert Griggs assists with serving at The Banquet.

As part of the Service to Community (STC) Days at Southeast Tech, 11 employees accumulated 30 volunteer hours prepping and serving a meal at The Banquet, a local food resource center. Nearly 100 meals were served to those in need. 

Early in the day, five STC employees unpackaged food, sliced vegetables, prepared food for cooking, rolled silverware and set tables. Then, at mealtime, another six STC employees were on hand to help serve the salisbury steak, steamed vegetables and peaches. 


April 21, 2022


Service to Community, Student Life