2021 Build Dakota Signing Day
STC Welcomes 111 New Full-Ride Scholars
Southeast Technical College held its 2021 Build Dakota Signing Day celebrations today at 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The morning session recognized scholarship recipients in Southeast Tech’s Healthcare programs, and the afternoon session honored Engineering Technology, Industrial, I.T., Mechatronics and Transportation program scholarship recipients.
“Southeast Tech has awarded 111 Build Dakota Scholarships for the 2021-2022 year, so this is really a cause for celebration,” said STC President Robert Griggs. “Our Build Dakota scholars receive a great education and leave with in-demand skills that are sought by regional employers. Signing Day is one way we recognize this caliber of accomplishment.”
Several guest speakers were in attendance, including U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (p.m. only); Bob Mundt, president and CEO, Sioux Falls Development Foundation; Dr. Mike Wilde, chief medical officer, Sanford Health (a.m. only); Shantel Krebs, Avera Academy administrator (a.m. only), Avera Health; Jim Vortherms, Interstates; and Terry Sabers, Build Dakota Board Member (a.m. only).
The Build Dakota Scholarship program offers full-ride scholarships in high-demand career fields across the region. Upon graduation, students agree to work in their field in South Dakota for at least three years.
Southeast Technical College partners with businesses to leverage scholarship dollars with industry matches.
“In addition to a full-ride scholarship, most of our Build Dakota scholars are also sponsored by industry. They go through an interview selection process with their sponsor, and they agree to work for that employer after graduation, Griggs explained. “It’s a win-win for everyone!”
Event Photos
Official Student Portraits • Reception and Program Photos • Signing Ceremony Photos • Group Portraits
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