Avera Academy Standout Shows how Program Helps Launch Careers
From Sioux.Falls Business
First in his family to finish high school and start college, Johnathan Marroquin has a plan, and even at age 19, it’s well underway.
It started with straight A’s at Roosevelt High School and continued with his acceptance as a member of the Avera Academy his senior year. Now going into his second year at Southeast Technical College, he’s working two jobs while studying his surgical instruments, sutures and methods, and keeping his focus on his audience.
“I want to show my cousins and my nieces that a better life is possible,” said Marroquin, a native of Michoacan state on Mexico’s west coast. One of his two jobs is already at Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center.
“As a patient care technician in surgery, I get to know the people and the environment,” he said. “It’s important to build relationships as you learn a profession.”
At Southeast Tech, he studies as a Build Dakota Scholar, working on his certification as a surgical technologist, a niche in health care he found during his Avera Academy experiences.
“I fell in love with surgery – it was just a best fit for me because you specialize, you help patients, but you’re more behind the scenes,” Marroquin said. “The teamwork needed for each person, from the surgeon on down, is awesome.”
Starting with Avera Academy
Marroquin is no stranger to hard work. He landed a job at a local sandwich shop at age 15. Throughout his time in high school, he worked summers pouring concrete and operating heavy equipment, all while continuing his other jobs and studies.
“I took a ton of English classes in addition to my high school courses,” Marroquin said. “My bosses at the sandwich shop are so great and are willing to be flexible with me.” In addition to being a patient care tech at Avera McKennan, he’s now an assistant manager at the business.
Sarah Siemonsma, Avera career development consultant and interim Avera Academy administrator, said Marroquin is a great example of how the Avera Academy program can work for young people.
“It’s an innovative collaboration between Avera, Sioux Falls School District and Southeast Tech,” she said. “Avera supports students financially, covering college credits they earn at Southeast Tech. Students get to explore dozens of departments at Avera McKennan.”
Siemonsma said 96 percent of Avera Academy students have furthered their education in health care; more than 60 percent are employed in care professions in full- or part-time roles.
Shantel Krebs was the first administrator and developer of Avera Academy. She’s now serving as interim regional president and CEO at Avera St. Mary’s Hospital in Pierre.
“When I developed the Avera Academy program at Avera McKennan, our mission was to expose high school students to health care opportunities while furthering the Avera mission of making a positive impact in the lives and health of persons in our communities,” she said. “Johnathan was a very engaged student. He is a perfect example of how Avera‘s mission works to help someone in our community pursue a dream and a career.”
As part of Avera Academy, Marroquin got the chance to observe numerous units and departments in the hospital. Surgery held a special place for him – on a very personal level. “When I lived in Mexico, my best friend died during surgery, and it struck me,” he said. “I thought soon after, I’m going to be a good surgeon or part of a team, so I can save a son or daughter – or best friend.”
Help with Higher Education Costs
The coursework at Southeast Tech requires discipline and attention to detail. With hundreds of instruments and other detailed equipment in an operating room, surgical technicians need to understand how it all works, where it goes and when it might be put to use. His class began with 45 students, and he’s among the 25 continuing toward the program’s second year.
“Like me, most of us in the class work in surgical areas at hospitals around Sioux Falls,” he said. “Our instructors are good at explaining the formal parts of the profession.” He learns many of its informal intricacies on his shifts at Avera McKennan.
Marroquin’s hard work in high school and his success with the Avera Academy came to fruition when he earned a scholarship with the Build Dakota program. In return, he will work as a surgical technician for Avera for three years after he completes his certification.
While plenty of work remains ahead of him, Marroquin said he feels like he’s already winning. “It’s amazing because I know I’ll have a job and no debt when I finish,” he said. “And I can show my niece an example that hopefully she’ll follow.”
Surgical Technology at STC Build Dakota Scholarships
July 28, 2023
Avera Academy, Build Dakota, Dual Credit, Healthcare, Surgical Technology